reusable bags lead

Tests find lead in reusable bags -
Reusable Shopping Bags Without Lead - Envi. - The Daily Green.
Lose the Lead, But Keep the Reusable Bag - Whole Living Daily.
Nov 15, 2010. Reusable grocery bag lead Reusable shopping bags made in China have drawn the ire of U.S. Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), who is.
Jan 24, 2011. Tests find lead in reusable bags, Twenty-one reusable bags sold as alternatives to disposable plastic or paper bags had dangerous levels of.
Jan 24, 2011. You can't use plastic bags. Now you can't use reusable bags either assuming you don't like your hummus with a dusting of lead. So what's a.
Sep 10, 2010. Wegmans Food Markets Inc., owner of a chain of East Coast supermarkets, said it will replace reusable shopping bags after a consumer group.

Are Reusable Bags Dangerous? | TIME For Kids.
Lead in reusable bags doesn't stop many - US news - Environment.
Consumer Advocacy Groups Discover Lead in Reusable Bags | The.
Lead In Reusable Bags Doesn't Seem To Worry Shoppers: Gothamist.
Nov 17, 2010. Tests of reusable grocery bags in Florida found that some plastic bags contain more lead than will be allowed in kid's toys. Coupled with.
reusable bags lead
reusable bags lead
Lead in reusable grocery bags - EarthTalk - June 2011 -.Probe Sought over Lead in Reusable Grocery Bags - CBS News.
While many reusable bags are safe, many have also been found to contain dangerous levels of lead.2 And even reusable bags without lead could pose a risk to.
Plastic Bag Bans Lead to E-coli Deaths | Via Meadia.